Severn Tri- Reagent

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Severn-Tri Reagent is a single-step, mono-phasic total RNA isolation reagent developed to rapidly purify RNA

It is  for quick and efficient isolation of total RNA from a mixture of RNA, DNA and proteins from samples taken from, animal, plant, yeast, or bacterial cells and will also isolate viral RNA.

The RNA is isolated in the Severn- Tri-Reagent and can be separated into the aqueous and organic phases by the addition of chloroform and centrifugation. RNA will remain exclusively in the aqueous phase, DNA at the inter-phase and proteins in the organic phase.

RNA is precipitated from the aqueous phase by the addition of iso-propanol washed with ethanol and solubilised.

DNA and proteins are precipitated from the inter-phase and organic phase with ethanol and iso-propanol washed with ethanol and solubilised respectively.

Supplied in a 200ml Volume

Product Code 40-1111-02

Iso-propanol and ethanol are supplied separately.


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