SB Low Gel Agarose

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SB Low Gel Agarose:  Product Code 30-12-50

CAS 9063-31-4

SB Low Gel Agarose in a general purpose low gelling point Agarose

General Properties

  • Routine rapid separations of DNA and RNA fragments
  • Separation range: 250 bp to 23 Kb 
  • Optimum gel concentration: 0.75 -2% 
  • Gelling Temperature (1.5%): 36 ± 1.5 
  • Melting Temperature (1.5%): 88 ± 1.5

Applications: Suitable for nucleic acid electrophoresis, preparation of plasmids, screening, cloning and blotting techniques.

This product is Ideal for PCR and rtPCR and offers excellent resolution for small DNA fragments between 50bp to 1kb

EEO= 0.05-0.14, Sulphate content <0.10% , Gel Strength >600g/cm,  Gelling Temp. >36C.


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